Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorships play a critical role in the work of The Naples RoundtableTM: “Exploring Ways to Strengthen and Improve the Patent System.”

Identification and Definition of Critical Cutting Edge Issues

We begin by focusing on issues of critical importance at the Supreme Court and the Federal Circuit:  to identify the issues and define what they are. The goal is to focus the attention of the patent community on these issues, to stimulate debate and, hopefully, to see judicial resolution of these issues. But to succeed in accomplishing our goals, we need to share our vision in achieving practical results. And this will require the support of sponsors who share our goals of strengthening and improving the patent system. We have no agenda and are not proposing to make “resolutions” as to specific positions that should be taken: Beyond identification and definition of issues, we will endeavor to achieve balance and to provide both sides of the picture. If there is a strong majority view on a particular issue, we will both present that issue and a rebuttal argument from the opposing side.

Sponsorships, What They Will Mean

With a conservative model, we are at present focusing The Naples Roundtable TM on an annual conference in January or February in Naples, Florida. Sponsorships permit us to improve our conferences, become more actively involved in the policy debates, and file amici briefs in the courts.

Our Business Model

We have a very conservative business model that relies heavily on volunteer efforts and contributions of our sponsors. Your support, particularly at the $ 10,000 level, permits us to stay actively involved in public policy debates and to expand our global reach. Please see our Sponsorship Interest Form.

Information for Prospective Sponsors

Our contact information is below. If you have any additional questions, please contact the treasurer.

The Naples Roundtable, Inc.

c/o Teresa Summers, Treasurer
1626 Belle View Blvd. #7215
Alexandria, VA 22307


EIN: 47-5236637